Zhanna Dijkstra June 14, 2019 MAKE ME BEAUTIFUL ANTIOXIDANT BREAKFAST SMOOTHIE Zhanna Dijkstra June 14, 2019 When it comes to beautiful naked skin, how it looks is really a mirror of what you consumer physically, mentally and emotionally.
Zhanna Dijkstra June 14, 2019 DIY BEAUTY: RELAX AND DETOX BATH SOAK Zhanna Dijkstra June 14, 2019 Happy Friday, beautiful souls!After a busy week what can be better that taking an hour of ME time to recharge and relax? In today's DIY we are making awesome relaxing and detoxing bath soak (yay!).
Zhanna Dijkstra June 14, 2019 8 TIPS FOR GLOWING SKIN (EVEN IN WINTER!) Zhanna Dijkstra June 14, 2019 Would you like to have a healthy, glowing skin all year round? I do and I bet your answer is YES, too!